If the first week of our trip was most influenced by the rains, the second week was about the wind - on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. In Sidi Ifni we started to dismantle our rooftop-tent because we were afraid that for the hundredth attempt the wind will eventually tear it off from the car, or at least break something, like our nerves. A couple of days later in Dakhla we were sleeping calmly with earplugs, although the tent was heavily shaking in the wind.
We were admiring the red sand blown across the desert highway.
We have passed the last two thousand kilometers mostly close to the Atlantic. Our first destination was Essaouira. Its medina (oldtown) is part of UNESCO World Heritage, so we could tick one from the list. The medina must have seen better days, but it was still interesting after the similar medinas of Fes, Meknes and Marrakech. Instead of clay colour, the walls are painted white and blue. Instead of their maze-like structures, we saw avenues and side-roads. This is also where we first saw the signs of the hippies and surfers who dominate the tourism in this part of Morocco.
In Essaouria even Coca-Cola is blue.
Olives are our main nutritional supplement.
Next day we started to enjoy the benefits of having a car and being able to go places where no public transport goes. After Essaouria we left the highway and headed to the beach. It was beautiful with a sweet fishing village (freshly grilled fish for lunch!), hills and valleys, scary precipices, donkeys, goats eating from Argan tree, camels crossing the road...
Fishing village
We have just stopped for the beautiful view and a cow is looking back from the deep.
Next day we went to Legzira, to see the ruins of the recently collapsed arch. Fortunately there is still another standing, which was still fascinating. Rocks hanging above our head seemingly not hold by anything. Of course if it has not collapsed yet.. oh wait.
View from the collapsed arch.
We have slept in Ksar Tafnidilt next to Tan-Tan. The camping+auberge dombra is built on a hill and looks amazing from the distance. On the way we have experienced washboards for the first time. It is shaking the car as if you were driving on speedbumps touching each other.
According to the books, you don't feel it over 80 km/h. We never dared to accelerate over 20.
The devil's hole is a round chasm, 20 meters from the road, 10 from the ocean.
There is not much to see in Western Sahara, most of the tourist are just passing by. Cities have a distance of 500 km between each other and mostly mobile radio towers and fishing villages are the only signs of civilisation. Sometimes we have not seen any person or car for 30 kms.
But those who travel must not do it lightly.
What was the most surprising is that we have come across European cyclists three times. In the end we spend two nights in Dakhla. The city is not too interesting, maybe we come back after we have learnt kite-surfing. Until then this remains the first place where we swam in the Atlantic Ocean.
Matchbox one
Matchbox two